Web Content Management


Web Content Management

We, BBTECHNOLOGY Software Services, are expertise in developing simple .NET Content Management System that provides organizations with the tools to effectively manage their web content management needs. Our tailor-made solutions and modules allow our customers take control and make website content management and marketing easy.


We design and deploy web content management (WCM) system to individual businesses according to their business need. With proven scalability, security and SEO friendly delivery, BB TECHNOLOGY is powering some of the largest corporate sites around the globe.

Key features include:


Enterprise Content Management

BB TECHNOLOGY provides tailor-made ECM solutions to our customers help them access and understand virtually any data type or system, as well as control, leverage, and take action on this information to remain compliant with internal or regulatory policies. As a result, our customers will get to know the information across data silos, enable more productive collaboration, increase preparedness for legal and regulatory inquiries, protect and secure information, and ensure data retention and disposition.

BB TECHNOLOGY’s ECM solutions allow customers to focus on content creation, relying on a solution that is intuitive and simple, through discovery and collaboration; to ensure compliance through content policy, information architecture and taxonomy; and to protect their organisation by improving compliance without affecting user productivity.

Our enterprise content management (ECM) solutions include, but not limited to:

UXM (User Experience Management)

User Experience Consultants, at BBTECHNOLOGY, work with our customers to ensure it properly supports user goals, while also satisfying system requirements and organisational objectives.

BB TECHNOLOGY's user experience monitoring solution gives its customers a better understanding of the experience their users and customers have when interacting with their web applications. By proactively monitoring the real user experience, customers can identify performance issues, get insights into user and customer behaviour, and improve the performance of their web applications.


With our User Experience Management solutions, customers get the visibility to:



BB TECHNOLOGY is a certified Microsoft SharePoint Partner, and we, at BB TECHNOLOGY Software, provide professional SharePoint support capabilities for all versions of SharePoint including MOSS 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 - SharePoint Online for new and existing BB TECHNOLOGY customers.

BB TECHNOLOGY also supports a number of SharePoint solutions within the enterprise which have been configured and custom configured with the addition of 3rd party components

Our support capabilities for SharePoint include:
